Filet brochette


Filet brochette is a dish that typically consists of small, bite-sized pieces of beef filet (also known as tenderloin) that have been marinated and then skewered along with vegetables such as bell peppers, onions, and mushrooms. The skewers are then grilled or broiled over high heat until the beef is cooked to the desired doneness.

Filet brochette is a popular dish in Mediterranean and Middle Eastern cuisine. The marinade for the beef can vary depending on the recipe, but it usually includes ingredients such as olive oil, lemon juice, garlic, and herbs.

Filet brochette is a dish that is often served as a main course, accompanied by sides such as potatoes, rice or salad. It can also be served as an appetizer, with a dipping sauce such as a red wine reduction sauce or aioli.

The dish is usually made with high-quality beef, and it’s a great option for special occasions and entertaining, as it can be prepared ahead of time and cooked quickly on the grill.

Filet brochette is a versatile dish, you can marinate the beef in different sauces and spices, and skewers it with various types of vegetables to suit your taste and preferences.

Coupez la viande en dés de 3 cm de côté que vous enfilerez sur des brochettes en bois. Salez et …
  • filet de bœuf
  • oignon
  • lard maigre
  • poivron rouge
  • piment


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